Past Events 2019

April 2019

SCMC's Spring Opener at AutoZone - 4/27/19

It was chilly and windy but we still had a good turnout at our Spring Opener at the Groton AutoZone today. Some 60+ cars came out to join us where our club was first formed 20 years ago. It was great to see many of our members and friends after a long winter and we met a lot of new folks too. We want to thank everyone who came out today and braved the New England weather with us and we hope to see everyone again in the days to come!

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May 2019

NAPA of Norwich Cruise-In - 5/1/19

Despite the dreary and chilly weather we had a very respectable turnout at NAPA of Norwich tonight. About 30+ cars came out and with nice raffle prizes and great food from K's Kart Too we all had an enjoyable evening. We want to thank Todd and all the folks at NAPA of Norwich for hosting us. And a big thanks to everyone who joined us tonight and a special thanks to all those who made donations to Connecticut Children's Medical Center!

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Lisbon Central School Show and Shine Cruise 5/11/2019

We had a great time at today's First Annual Show & Shine Cruise at the Lisbon Central School. Over 75 cars, trucks and motorcycles came out to enjoy a rare sunny day! A big shout-out to Robert Ladouceur and all the volunteers who helped put this benefit cruise on and we're hoping this really does become an annual event.

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SCMC Cruise Night “The Center of Montville” 5/18/2019

Finally!! Perfect weather made for a spectacular night with 50+ cars and trucks joining us at The Center of Montville. Dana McFee (Mr. Hot Dog) served up great food, drinks and ice cream and it was wonderful seeing everyone tonight and catching up. A big thanks to everyone who came out to join us and a special shout-out to our 50/50 winner who donated $25 back to the club for the Connecticut Children's Medical Center!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach New London 5/20/2019

Summer-like weather came just in time for the first Ocean Beach cruise night of 2019. It was beautiful at the beach, at least for a while. As the dark clouds moved in we finished up early but it was still a good crowd and great to see everyone. Some of us probably got wet on the way home but it was worth it!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge Cruise Night 5/22/2019

We had such a good time here two weeks ago we came back for more! A lighter turnout due to Colchester's rain date tonight but still a respectable crowd. The food was great, especially the chili, and we had good music to relax by as well. All in all another enjoyable night!

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Holy New Martyrs Car & Truck Show 5/25/2019

Wow! We had a great time at the Holy New Martyrs Orthodox Church Classic Car & Truck Show in Norwich today. We had never been before so we didn't know what to expect and we were pleasantly surprised. The venue was idyllic, the weather was perfect, Gary Pom spun the tunes and there was something here for everyone. A big tag sale, multiple vendors and incredible food made this a wonderful time for both the car and truck owners and the many folks who came to look at them. We'll be sure to put this on our calendar for next year. You should too!

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Ted’s IGA Cruise Night for Austin Villar 5/26/2019

More great weather and a perfect night at Ted's IGA in Hebron for the re-scheduled benefit for Austin Villar. As always, lots of cool cars and trucks and another great time with the guys and gals of the Gear Head Mafia Car Club.

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night 5/27/2019

The beach was packed for Memorial Day but they left room for all our cars and what a great night it was. A cool gentle breeze was exhilarating as hundreds of spectators enjoyed looking at the all cars, trucks and motorcycles. There was something here for everyone tonight, it couldn't have been better.

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June 2019

98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night 6/3/2019

A perfect Monday night brought out more cars and trucks than we've seen in a while. And lots of cars we've never seen before too. Add in hundreds of spectators and it was definitely a night to remember at the prettiest place in New London!

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Ford Night at Hank's Dairy Bar 6/4/2019

There were all kinds of Fords at Hank's Dairy Bar tonight but without a doubt, the Mustangs ruled the field! With K-Hits 100.9 broadcasting live and Hank's famous menu it was a great time for everyone there. A big thanks to Scott and all the folks at Hanks for putting this event on. We all had a really good time.

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NAPA of Groton Cruise Night 6/7/2019

A very nice turnout for the first NAPA of Groton cruise night of the season. Lots of great cars and trucks were coming and going all evening. And, as always, the hot dogs, baked beans and cold drinks were appreciated by all. A big thanks to John and everyone at NAPA of Groton for another enjoyable cruise night!

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Montville Commons 6/11/2019

The rain went away, the sun came out and so did the cars and trucks for the first Home Depot Cruise Night of 2019. Except for the wind it was a beautiful evening with hot dogs from B&J and ice cream from Canterbury Cones. Lot of people stopped by to look at our cars too. Another great one is in the book!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge 6/12/2019

Take a beautiful and serene location, add a lot of really great vehicles and spice it up with good food and drink. That's the recipe for another great Wednesday cruise night at the Bozrah Moose Lodge!

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SCMC Cruise Night 6/15/2019

We have to say this was perhaps the best turnout we've had here in a couple of years. The weather was perfect and the cars and trucks just kept rolling in. We raised a good amount for the Connecticut Childrens Medical Center thanks to our 50/50 winner who donated his winnings back to the club. A big thanks to everyone who came out to join us and made it such a spectacular night!

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Ocean Beach 6/17/2019

If we salvage one good day this week at least it was a great one. It was cool and comfortable at the beach so the cars, trucks and motorcycles came and went all evening. We saw many that we had never seen before and that made for an exciting time at "the prettiest place in New London" (Speedbowl Kurt quote).

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Texas Roadhouse 6/23/2019

Beautiful clear skies graced the first Texas Roadhouse car show of the season. This is always a great event with peanuts, appetizers and sweet tea from the restaurant. Oh, and there were a lot of great cars and trucks too! A big thanks to Ali and all the Texas Roadhouse crew for hosting us today.

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Ocean Beach 6/24/2019

Another great Monday night at Ocean Beach tonight. We wrapped up the appreciation awards early for the Waterford Community Band who started at 7:00 PM. With all the additional spectators many stayed around to enjoy the music as well as the cars!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge 6/26/2019

Beautiful summer weather brought out those who didn't go to Colchester's rain date cruise tonight. Still a respectable number and plenty of food and drink to go around. It's always a good night at the Moose Lodge!

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July 2019

Ocean Beach 7/1/2019

Perfect weather at the beach tonight brought the car, trucks, motorcycles and people out in droves. Lots of different vehicles made for an exciting night too. Let's hope this nice weather is going to stay for a while!

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Essex’s Automobile Club 11th Annual 7/4/2019

It was a beautiful day at the Connecticut River Museum and the Essex Automobile Club's 11th Annual Antique and Classic Car Show. If you missed this one you missed a really great show!

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Ledyard Rotary Club Show 7/6/2019

Ominous clouds were no match for the die-hard cruisers - despite the heat and humidity over 100 cars and trucks came out to the Ledyard Fairgrounds today. We had a good time as always and it was another great event for our busy 'holiday' week!

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Cruise to Survive Voluntown 7/7/2019

After our SCMC club picnic today some of us headed to Voluntown and the Cruise to Survive supporting the Rhode Island Ovarian Cancer Alliance. This is always a great show for a good cause and today was no different. We apologize for not getting photos of every vehicle there but with a short schedule we were happy just to get the flavor of the event and to see our friends who participated. And so ends our busy 'holiday' week!

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Ocean Beach 7/8/2019

What else can we say? Just another absolutely beautiful night at the beach!

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Montville Commons 7/9/2019

Another beautiful night at Home Depot tonight. This perfect weather brought everyone out and we had a great time as always. This is one of our favorite monthly events so if you haven't been yet, make plans to check it out next month. You won't be disappointed!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge 7/10/2019

A quiet night at the Bozrah Moose Lodge but all the right people (and cars and trucks) were there. Great burgers, hot dogs and chili as always and there was free watermelon for dessert. It was a little warm but still an enjoyable way to spend an evening with friends.

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Ocean Beach 7/15/2019

We couldn't ask for nicer weather and the crowds came out to take advantage of it. Just another beautiful night at the beach!

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Ocean Beach 7/22/2019

With rain and storms on the way it was a sparse turnout tonight as expected. But the die-hards were there and we made the best of the cool breeze off the water while we waited for the rain to begin.

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Bozrah Moose Lodge 7/24/2019

It's always tough when Colchester uses their rain date and tonight was no exception. But the usual suspects came out, the food was plentiful and we all had a good time.

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Bozrah Farmers Market 7/26/2019

It was 'standing room only' tonight at the Bozrah Farmer's Market. Add all our cruising cars to the most popular farmer's market around and it's the recipe for a great night!

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SCMC Cruise Night 7/27/2019

It was certainly a lot cooler than last Saturday but by using our rain date we likely missed some folks tonight. Nevertheless, we had a good time, made some new friends and we all enjoyed a relaxing evening.

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Ted’s IGA 7/28/2019

We apologize for failing to post this cruise but judging from the turnout, most everyone knew about it. As always a great show of cars and trucks and we thought it would be hot here but in fact it wasn't. A nice breeze kept us cool, Eric played the tunes and the Gear Head Mafia did a great job helping everyone park. Just another great night at Teds!

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Ocean Beach Cruise Night 7/29/2019

Although it's usually cool at the beach, tonight it wasn't. But there were a lot of cool cars and the beach was loaded with folks who came out to enjoy the free concert by the 102nd Army rock band RipChord. All in all, a great night even if it was a little too warm!

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August 2019

Big Dawggs & More Cruise Night 8/1/2019

Beautiful weather, great hot dogs (and more) plus lots of friends. Now that's the recipe for a really good cruise night!

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NAPA of Groton Cruise Night 8/2/2019

A lot of things were going on tonight so not as many cars as usual. But the right ones were there, the hot dogs were hot and the cold drinks were cold. Comfortable weather too, can't ask for much more than that. Again, a big thanks to John, his wife and the staff at NAPA of Groton for all they do for our hobby!

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Hot Rods and Harley Haul 8/4/2019

Although not on our club's list to support, several SCMC members and friends attended the 'Hot Rods and Harley Haul' at the Charlestown Seafood Festival in Rhode Island today. The Rhode Island Street Rodding Association puts on the car show as part of the festival and it's always a great show. With hundreds of cars and trucks as well as thousands of spectators, it's one of the biggest local events of the summer. With over a mile of food and other vendors there's plenty to see and with a fully equipped midway with rides for the family, special activities for the kids and live bands playing on multiple stages there's plenty to do as well. We had a great time as always and the weather was picture perfect. We could not ask for a better way to spend a Sunday!

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Ocean Beach Cruise Night 8/5/2019

It was heaven at the beach tonight, cool and very comfortable for all the folks who came out to the cruise night. Sad to say there are only five more cruise nights to go but tonight was spectacular!

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Montville VFW Car, Truck and Bike Show 8/11/2019

We had a good turnout and a great time at the first 'Hubcaps & Kickstands' car, truck and bike show at the Montville V.F.W. today. A big thanks to everyone who came out and supported this fundraiser to repair / replace the wheelchair ramp! It was a very successful event and a beautiful day to spend with SCMC members and friends.

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Ocean Beach Cruise Night 8/12/2019

Once again the weather gods were shining on Ocean Beach! The beautiful evening brought out a bunch of great rides and hundreds of folks came to see them. Sad to think there are only four more to go here...

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Big Dawggs & More Cruise Night 8/15/2019

Finally, some nice weather for the scheduled cruise night at Big Dawggs & More in Griswold. We had good food and a nice relaxing evening.

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Salem Town Green Cruise for a Cause 8/17/2019

The weathermen thought it would be OK today and it was fine when we got here. But it's New England, things can change quickly and they did! Multiple rounds of rain came through dampening the day. Once you're wet it doesn't get much worse so we hung in there. The food was good, the music was good, the door prizes and auctions were good and everyone made the best of it. Plus we managed to get some 'action' shots as folks dried their cars (some for the second or third time).

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Texas Road House Car Show 8/18/2019

Expecting it to be very hot and humid we were surprised that it was actually quite nice at the Texas Roadhouse Car Show today. As always the appetizers and sweet tea were appreciated and we all had an enjoyable time. In fact we're already looking forward to next month's show here on September 29th!

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Ocean Beach Cruise Night 8/19/2019

It was sunny with a nice breeze when we arrived but it went downhill quickly as storms approached from the west. As the skies darkened some folks left while others were still arriving. A shortened schedule got the awards presented before the rain and it was a good time for how long it lasted. Only three more to go this year, lets hope they are all sunny and bright!

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Bozrah Farmers Market 8/23/2019

The rain stopped and it turned out to be a nice evening at the Bozrah Farmer's Market cruise night. This is always a great event as there is so much to see and do (besides the cars that is). We took some photos of the market itself so the uninitiated can see the variety of vendors and supporters. This was the last cruise of the season but the market is open every Friday thru October 11th.

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Groton Police / MADD Car Show 8/24/2019

Here's the first show we got to today, the Groton Police / MADD Car Show at the Esker Point Waterfront Park in Groton. A beautiful day brought out a lot of nice rides and we all had a good time next to the water. A couple of rather rare cars made it today as well including a Nash-Healey and one of Ben J. Smith's retractable hard-top Mustangs. An all-around great show for everyone!

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SCMC Cruise Night 8/24/2019

Our second event of the day, this was our rescheduled SCMC cruise night after last Saturday's rain. It was a great turnout for a rain date with comfortable weather, good food from Mr. Hot Dog and lots of raffle tickets sold. The winner of the 50/50 donated all his winnings back to the club for the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. As we've said many times we have the best members and friends who support us and our charity each month at our cruise nights. A big thanks to everyone who joined us tonight, we couldn't do this without you!

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Ted’s IGA 8/25/2019

Another great night at Ted's IGA in Hebron. The weather looked iffy at first but it cleared off early without a drop of rain. A big thanks to the Gear Head Mafia who always do a great job getting everyone parked and that's not easy when many of the cars come rolling in at once. There are two more cruise nights here so there's still plenty to look forward to!

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Ocean Beach Cruise Night 8/26/2019

Absolutely perfect fall-like weather made this cruise night a special treat. Add in that one of our favorite Mustang friends stopped to visit from Florida made this a GREAT night. Only two of these cruise nights left and yes, there IS a cruise night next Monday, Labor Day, so plan to join us at "the prettiest place in New London". (Speedbowl Kurt quote)

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September 2019

Charles Toyota 4th Annual Timeless Car Show 9-8-2019

Once again we had a wonderful time at the Charles Toyota 4th Annual Timeless Car Show today. This has become a first class show thanks to the planning and hard work of Tommy, Dan and the entire Charles Toyota staff. Incredible music all day by Vanishing Breed, big raffles, great food and over 100 cars and trucks of every make and model. There really was something here for everyone, even the kids. A big thanks to the gang at Charles Toyota for opening their dealership to us and making sure we all had an enjoyable day. Harold Winslow would be very proud!

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Ocean Beach Cruise Night 9-9-2019

A bittersweet end to the season here but if it has to end, this is the way to go. Lots of beautiful cars and trucks, lots of friends and a complementary meal for the participants made this a night to remember. A big shout-out to Ron and Johnny G from 98.7 WNLC for their unwavering support. And a big thanks to Dave Sugrue, Jeff Mullen and all the folks at Ocean Beach Park for another wonderful season at the prettiest place in New London. We're already looking forward to next year!

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Dream Machine Classics Home Depot Cruise Night 9-10-2019

It was a perfect night for the last Home Depot Cruise Night of the season. Yes, we're sad that things are coming to an end, but at least we go out with a beautiful night for a cruise. A big thanks to Ron and all the folks at Dream Machine Classics for all their efforts this summer and for keeping this popular cruise night going. Hopefully, we'll be back again next year!

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NAPA of Norwich Cruise-In 9-11-2019

It was a warm summer night at NAPA of Norwich for their last cruise-in of the season. A really good turnout, free raffle prizes and the always-popular NAPA Racing hats made this a perfect night. Our intrepid photographer misplaced his camera so a huge thanks to SCMC member Tim Reed who took up the slack with these great photos. We also want to thank everyone who made a donation to our charity, the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. And finally, a big shout-out to Todd and the NAPA of Norwich crew who worked so hard to put this event on. They always do a great job and we all appreciate their support!

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Balfour-Beatty Annual Car Show – 9-14-19

The weather held off nicely for the annual Balfour-Beatty Car Show today. It was a good turnout with a nice mix of cars and trucks so there was something for just about everyone. Great music by DJ Larry and great food vendors too. This is always an enjoyable show thanks to the hard work of Steve and all the volunteers from Balfour-Beatty. We'd like to give a big shout-out to all of them for a really enjoyable day!

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Larry's Auto Machine Family Fun Car Cruise – 9-15-19

Another great day today at Larry's Auto Machine Family Fun Car Cruise and the weather was near-perfect too. Tons of cars, trucks and motorcycles of all types, again something for everyone. Loads of spectators too made for another great event here. We always enjoy this cruise and we give a big thank you to all the volunteers who help make it possible!

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Willimantic Elks Lodge Cruise Night – 9-16-19

We attended the Oldies but Goodies Classic Cruise Night at the Elks Lodge #1311 in Willimantic tonight and were very impressed with this event. The food and drinks were great, everything was well organized and we all had an enjoyable evening. A big thanks to Lenny Incandella and all the volunteers from Elks Lodge #1311 for putting on such a great cruise night. We'll be sure to come back again next year!

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CIC Automotive & Sales Car Show – 9-17-19

We had a great time at the first-ever car show at CIC Automotive & Sales in Groton tonight. After last week's rain-out, perfect weather brought out enough cars, trucks and motorcycles to fill two lots. Jack and Sandy provided the music and CIC made sure everyone got free hot dogs, chips and cold drinks. A big thanks to all the folks at CIC for opening their business to us and we're hoping to see more great events here next summer!

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Big Dawggs & More Cruise Night – 9-19-19

Another nice time at the Big Dawggs & More Cruise Night tonight. Not a cloud in the sky but lots of cars, trucks, friends and food. Couldn't ask for much better than this!

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Southeastern Connecticut Mustang Club Cruise Night – 9-21-19

Perfect weather, a nice turnout, and an enthusiastic crowd made this a great way to end our season at the Center of Montville. A big thanks to everyone who came out to support us and the Connecticut Children's Medical Center tonight as well as throughout the summer. And an even bigger thanks to the winner of tonight's 50/50 who donated it all back to our charity!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge Cruise Night – 9-25-19

Tonight was the last cruise night of the season at the Bozrah Moose Lodge. We've enjoyed our Wednesday nights here all summer and tonight was no exception. We're sad to see it end but one of us stocked up on the chili so it's not quite over for him yet! We're hoping to see everyone here again next year as this is a great venue and always a good cruise.

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Thrifty Car Sales Customer Appreciation Day Car Show – 9-28-19

We had a great time at the Thrifty Car Sales Customer Appreciation Day Car Show today. Lots of cars, trucks, motorcycles, food, drinks and live music made this the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon. And there was something here for everyone today including the kids. A big thanks to the Disches and all the volunteers from Thrifty Car Sales for opening their lot to us and providing us with another great end-of-the-season show!

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Texas Roadhouse Car Show – 9-29-19

Another beautiful evening and another great time at the Texas Roadhouse Car Show. A big shout-out to Ali, Curtis, Sally, Sandy and all the Texas Roadhouse crew for always making us feel right at home!

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October 2019

Hank's Dairy Bar Cruise Night – 10-01-19

The skies cleared and it was a perfect night for the last cruise night of the season at Hank's Dairy Bar in Plainfield. We enjoyed Chris West's music and we probably ate too much but that's what you do at Hank's because the food is so good. We want to thank Scott and his crew for another great season there and for his support of our club. We're already looking forward to next year!

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9th Annual Karz on the Flats Car Show - 10-6-19

We want to thank everyone who came out and joined us today at K&H Equipment for our 9th Annual Karz on the Flats Car Show. And we especially want to thank everyone for their patience as this was our first time doing the show here and it was a learning experience for all of us. We had a great turnout, more cars than we've ever had in the past, and we raised over $1500.00 for the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. As always, we couldn't do this without you, your beautiful cars and trucks, and your generosity. So mark the first Sunday in October 2020 on your calendar. We'll be back with what we've learned, bigger and better than ever!

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Herb's 6th Annual Fall Bash Car Show - 10-13-19

What can we say? Everyone had a wonderful time at Herb's Fall Bash Car Show today. With great weather (especially after the last 4 days) over 200 cars and trucks came out to enjoy the free BBQ, the great raffles, the huge 50/50 and, of course, the car show camaraderie. A big thanks to Jeff and all his volunteers who seamlessly directed both the cars and the attendees so everyone could relax and enjoy the show. We don' t have the totals yet but we're sure this show raised a sizable donation for Fisher House of Connecticut. And as always, it was so much fun we're already looking forward to next year!

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Texas Roadhouse Trick or Trunk Car Show – 10-20-19

The weather was a little damp but it sure didn't dampen the spirits (or ours). A nice turnout with some incredible Halloween decorations on many of the cars. Lots of kids, lots of costumes, lots of candy and lots of fun! A big thanks to Ali, Curtis, Sandy, Sally and all the folks at Texas Roadhouse for a great afternoon!

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