April 2022
A perfect day for a double-header - we started at our SCMC Annual Spring Opener at AutoZone in Groton where about 85 cars, trucks, and motorcycles came out to join us. When we left there, many of us went to the Horsepower Cigar Lounge at the Center of Montville (our regular cruise night location) to join about 20 others for their cruise to meet Kurt Kendall from 7-20-4 cigars. It was great to see old friends again, meet new folks, and finally get our rides out on a nice spring day
May 2022
June 2022
July 2022
We had choices today, remember? We tossed a coin and chose the Central Auto Group’s 2nd Annual Car Show in Plainfield. We met up with friends from Dream Machine Classics and cruised up together, parking right in front so we could sit in the shade. Picture perfect weather brought out about 70 cars and trucks. There was music and trivia prizes by WBLQ, pizza for lunch and we saw a lot of old friends here too. A big shout out to the folks at the Central Auto Group and all their volunteers who kept things running smoothly. It was just a great day all around!View Photo Gallery
August 2022
September 2022
With well over 200 cars and trucks on the field and hundreds of spectators, this was the biggest turnout ever for the Ledyard Rotary’s Classic Car Cruise. We’re guessing all those flyers really helped. Thanks Larry! There were lots of great raffle prizes and a big 50/50 too. With new choices of food, ice cream and desserts and lots of vendors under the pavilion, there was something here for everyone. Even a new all-electric Ford F-150 Lightning came to power the event. Great job Rotarians and all the volunteers, you hit it out of the park today!
After two days of rain, today was dry and comfortable for the last St. Catherine Church Cruise Night of the season. We don’t know why more folks didn’t come out but those who did had a great time. The field was dry, the food was good, the door prizes were terrific, and the music was live. What more could cruisers ask for?
he lots were absolutely packed at the 5th Annual Timeless Car Show at Charles Toyota today! With radio stations broadcasting from the event, two great food trucks, wonderful raffle prizes and the live “rock solid country” sounds of the Stone County Band, there was something here for everyone. A big shout-out to the folks from Charles Toyota who put this show on today as well as our friend Sandy who did a heck of a job parking all the cars. As advertised, it was a great day of cars, food, music, and prizes. We’re sure Harold Winslow would be proud!
Tonight was the last 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night of the season and, like last year’s final cruise night, it was cloudy and gloomy all day. Then, like last year, the skies suddenly cleared and the sun came out just in time for the cruise – we think Speedbowl Kurt was looking down on us again! We want to thank Dave Sugrue and his Ocean Beach staff for all they did for us this season and for the ‘thank you’ dinner tonight. We’re already looking forward to another great season here next year!
Despite the left-over tent from a wedding party, everyone made good use of the remaining area for another great cruise night at the Bozrah Moose Lodge. We have to admit, this is one of our favorites, and we’re sad that there’s only one more cruise night here for this season. But tonight was perfect and we really enjoyed the food, drink and camaraderie.
Our last SCMC Cruise Night of 2022 was a big success! Beautiful fall weather helped bring out almost 50 cars and trucks while the raffles and 50/50 brought in almost $200 tonight for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. We want to thank everyone who supported us this summer despite the rain, heat, and humidity. We always say “We have some of the best folks at our cruise nights” and tonight was no exception. Thanks again everyone, we couldn’t do this without you!
With rain showers popping up around us it was rather quiet at the last Montville Farmer’s Market Cruise Night of the season tonight. But for those who came out there was plenty to see and do and we never did get any rain until everything was over.
It was chilly and quite windy at the last Bozrah Farmer’s Market Cruise Night tonight. Last month we were looking for shade to keep cool, tonight we were looking for sun to keep warm. Although it may have kept a few cars and trucks away it sure didn’t discourage the folks who came out to see them. The market itself was as busy as ever, maybe even more so. A large number of vendors as well as food choices made it a great night for everyone. We can’t wait to come back next year!
We had a nice day at the Beacon Point Homes Annual Car Show today. The weather was perfect and yesterday’s wind finally died down so it was comfortable. We had a nice turnout of cars and trucks, free coffee and donuts to start, good music, and a great lunch by Mr. Hot Dog. There were lots of trophies and appreciation awards too. A great job by everyone from Beacon Point Homes who worked the show today and we hope to see them all again next year!
It’s always a wild time at Larry’s Family Fun Car Cruise and today’s was right up there with the best of them. This is a perfect venue and we see cars here we don’t see at other events. In fact, there’s so many it’s hard to even see them all. We had live music, good food, and a Make-A-Wish parade of fire engines and first responders. There were some late sprinkles but they sure didn’t dampen the enthusiasm. Now we can’t wait for next year’s cruise here!
The re-scheduled Cruise Night at Village Pizza tonight was, in our opinion, one of the best ones yet. Spectacular weather, Gary Pom’s tunes, beautiful cars and trucks, a good crowd, lots of friends, cold drinks and pizza slices – what more could anyone want? What a great way to end the season here!
We’re sad to say this was the last cruise night of the season at the Bozrah Moose Lodge tonight. But the weather was perfect, Paul provided the tunes, and the food was great. It’s been a great season here this year and we want to give a big thanks to our friends from the Dream Machine Classics Auto Club. We know it’s a lot of work and we really appreciate all you’ve done to keep this cruise night going!
October 2022
We had chilly but clear weather and a nice turnout at the last Sprague Rod & Gun Club Cruise and Barbecue of the season. It’s always a good time here but we opted for sitting in the sun today instead of the usual shade. In addition to the barbecue they had breakfast available when we arrived. Good food, good raffles, and good friends made it a really great day!
It was a spectacular day at Herb’s 9th Annual Fall Bash Car Show today. Perfect weather brought out well over 200 beautiful cars and trucks and hundreds of folks (maybe even thousands) came to enjoy the festivities. As always, pig-roast pulled pork with side dishes for a donation, dozens of really nice raffle prizes, a huge 50/50, and tunes by Gary Pom made this a perfect day. This has become a fall tradition here in Montville and we want to thank Jeff, his vendors, and his many volunteers for all they do to put on this show for us every year. Every year it gets better and we have to say this was the best one yet!