Past Events 2024

April 2024

SCMC's Season Opener at AutoZone - 4/20/24
Yes, it rained some on the way but it stopped as we got to AutoZone for our annual season opener. We had a respectable turnout considering the weather and those who came out had a good time. It was great to see everyone after a long winter. A big thanks to all those who braved the weather to join us today!

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May 2024

Hank's Dairy Bar Car Cruise on the Lawn - 5/7/24

Today was the best weather we’ve had this season and it brought 100+ cars and trucks to Hank’s Dairy Bar’s first ‘Car Cruise on the Lawn’ of 2024. Parking was tight but everyone squeezed in and the lines for food were long but well worth the wait. We had a good time and we think everyone else did too.

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 5/13/24

Tonight was the first 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night of the season and the weather couldn’t have been better. Well, maybe just a little bit warmer would have been nice, that ocean breeze, you know. Still, we had a good turnout and it was great to be back, to see old friends and meet new ones too. We’ll be back next Monday (weather permitting) but remember, there’s NO cruise night here on Memorial Day!

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Cruise Night at Village Pizza - 5/14/24

Tonight our friends from Dream Machine Classics celebrated their 45th year with their Cruise Night at Village Pizza. And what a night it was. Beautiful weather, lots of car and trucks, raffles, a 50/50, lots of people, music by Paul and of course, pizza. So congratulations to the Dream Machine Classics Auto Club, let’s hope they go for 45 more!

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Norwich Technical High School Car Show -5/17/24

It was another nice night at the 5th Annual Norwich Technical High School Car Show tonight. It was not as busy as last year but still a respectable turnout for a kind of cloudy night. And we want to give a big shout out to Lucien for the great photos!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 5/20/24

The second 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night of the season was even better than the first - warmer weather, unlimited sunshine and a lot more cars and trucks. With the warmer weather more folks are coming out to see them too, something we all enjoy. Remember, there’s NO CRUISE NIGHT next Monday (Memorial Day) so we’ll see you all in June!

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Grasso Tech Car Show - 5/21/24

We had perfect weather for the third annual Grasso Tech Car Show tonight. It was a nice mix of old and new, stock and modified, and all the way to full race; we guess you could say there was “something for everyone” tonight. We enjoyed the new concession stand and the enthusiasm of the students. Really a great night all around!

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Southeastern Connecticut Mustang Club Cruise Night - 5/25/24

We are glad we decided to use our rain date as the weather was picture-perfect tonight. And the unusually nice weather brought a lot of beautiful cars and trucks to our first SCMC cruise night of the season. Although we were busy all night, we had a great time and we hope everyone else did too. A big thanks to everyone who joined us tonight and especially the winner of the 50/50 who donated all her winnings back to us for the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center!

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June 2024

98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 6/3/24

You couldn’t ask for better weather than we had tonight, it was picture perfect. And we had a lot of cars and trucks and tons of motorcycles tonight because of it. Not much else we can say but hope for a more nights like this. In fact, every Monday would be just fine! Are you listening Mother Nature?

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Hank's Dairy Bar Car Cruise on the Lawn - 6/4/24

More perfect weather and another good time at Hank’s Dairy Bar tonight. There were lots of cars and trucks that we’ve never seen before and a couple of unusual ones as well. We always enjoy it here in the shade with live music and great food. And we always finish off the evening here with ice cream!

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Niantic Main Street Car Cruise - 6/7/24

We didn’t advertise this cruise and hadn’t planned to go but we ended up going with friends and had a great time. They really pack them in on a very small green but it was well managed considering there were well over 100 cars and trucks coming and going. Good music, good food, and nice awards. And best of all, the whole town comes out to see the cars. They will be doing another one in September and we’ll be sure to let you know about that one ahead of time.

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Thrive 55+ Third Annual Car Cruise - 6/8/24

We had a great time today at the third annual Thrive 55+ Car Cruise. Once again the cruise was combined with the Groton Outdoor Market so there was plenty to see and do. And the weather was picture perfect except it was a bit windy. Mr. Hot Dog fed us well and the folks from Thrive 55+ gave out a lot of awards to some beautiful cars and trucks. Thanks to everyone who came out today and we look forward to coming back again next year!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 6/10/24

We again had beautiful weather tonight for the 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night. But with the bright sun came a strong westerly wind which kept it cool until the sun started to go down. We had a lot of different and unusual cars, trucks, and motorcycles come out tonight, something we all love to see. Next week all the rides will all be running so bring the kids and come on down to the “prettiest place in New London” (Speedbowl Kurt quote).

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Cruise Night At Village Pizza - 6/11/24

It was another great cruise night tonight with the Dream Machine Classics Auto Club at Village Pizza in Preston. We had mostly cloudy skies but it was bright and cool, perfect for an evening of good food, drink, music, and camaraderie. And isn’t that what it’s all about? We think so!

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Southeastern Connecticut Mustang Club Cruise Night - 6/15/24

We had perfect weather for our second SCMC cruise night of the season tonight. About 45 cars and trucks came out to join us and, once again, the winner of the 50/50 raffle donated all his winnings back to the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. We have some of the best folks come out to our cruise nights and we want to thank everyone who came tonight. You all made it a great cruise night!

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Central Baptist Church Father's Day Car Show - 6/16/24

We could not ask for better weather for the annual Father’s Day Car Show at the Central Baptist Church in Westerly, Rhode Island. Lots of beautiful cars and trucks (over 80 by our count) filled the lot and many local folks came out to see them. We all enjoyed the music, burgers, hot dogs, cold drinks, and ice cream. It’s always a special Father’s Day at this show and this year was no exception. A big thanks to Reverend Cal Lord and all the folks from the church who helped put this on!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 6/17/24

Tonight’s cruise night was the first really big one of the season. It could be because of the warmer weather; it could be that the kids are out of school. At any rate we had lots of great cars, trucks and motorcycles tonight along with loads of spectators enjoying the cruise and all the beach attractions. We think tonight might be the unofficial start of summer here. We sure hope so!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 6/24/24

After a week of record heat and humidity, tonight was positively refreshing. The nice weather brought a lot of beautiful cars, trucks, and motorcycles to the cruise and a lot of folks came out to see them. What more can we say, it was another great night at the “prettiest place in New London”!

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July 2024

98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 7/1/24
It was nice when we got to the beach. We knew there were some pop-up showers to our east but things were looking good here and the cars, trucks and motorcycles were rolling in. A while later we had a couple of sprinkles, nothing major. Then all of a sudden the sky opened up and it poured. It only lasted a few minutes but that’s all it took, we all got a free car wash tonight! After that it was beautiful. Some stayed, many left, some new arrivals came. All we can say is New England - if you don’t like the weather just wait a minute!

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Hank's Dairy Bar Car Cruise on the Lawn - 7/2/24
After getting soaked at Ocean Beach last night it was nice and dry at Hank’s Dairy Bar tonight. There are always cars and trucks here that we’ve never seen before and lots of folks stop by to look at them too. We always enjoy it here in the shade with live music and great food. And we always finish off the evening here with ice cream!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 7/8/24
It was warm tonight at the 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night but at least we didn’t get drenched like last week. We had a good turnout for such a hot night and the beach was packed with people looking for relief. It was a bit cooler there but not a lot. Still we had a good night all around!

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Cruise Night at Village Pizza - 7/9/24
It was still hot and humid today but there was a nice breeze off the cornfield as we joined our friends from Dream Machine Classics at Village Pizza in Preston tonight. Great music, great pizza, and a great 50/50 raffle made for another great night here!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge Cruise Night - 7/10/24
We’ll start by saying “It’s great to be back at the Moose”! Tonight was the first cruise of the season here and although it was hot and humid at home, it was really cool here with a nice breeze off the lake. As always the chili was great, the Pom provided the music, and everyone had a good time. We’re looking forward to coming back next month!

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Bozrah Farmer's Market Non-Cruise Night - 7/12/24
We knew the cruise night had been cancelled but we needed some Breton Farms Zucchini Relish (a plug for SCMC members Dan and Barbara) so up we went. The sky was turning blue and the market was packed with people. And, as we suspected, a few cars come out for the cruise night anyway. We got the relish, took a few photos and got back in the car just in time. The sky opened up and it was absolutely pouring as we left!

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Sprague Rod & Gun Club Cruise - 7/14/24
We had a great time today at the Sprague Rod & Gun Club’s Cruise & Barbeque. The skies were crystal-clear and it wasn’t too humid either, a perfect day all around. As always the food was incredible, they had a lot of different raffles, and we all had a nice day relaxing in the shade under the big oak tree!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 7/15/24
It was humid and hot today, really hot! And it wasn’t a whole lot cooler at the beach. There were thunderstorms to our west as well that didn’t make it this far but they sure looked ominous. We suspect that kept a few cars and trucks home in their garages. But the ones that came out did find a sea-breeze that made it tolerable. And a lot of folks came out to look at our rides and enjoy the beach. Hey, it’s free for everyone after 5 PM! Bottom line - not a bad cruise night at all!

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Montville Farmer's Market Cruise Night - 7/16/24
There’s no denying it, it was hot at the Montville Farmer’s Market Cruise Night tonight. But there was a breeze at times and the market had lots of ice cold water for the attendees. Although we’re sure it was too hot for some folks to come out, we did have a decent number of cars and trucks join us. Lots of different vendors, food trucks and music by the Backporch Pickers made for an enjoyable evening despite the heat. But we’re hoping for a cooler night for next month’s cruise!

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Southeastern Connecticut Mustang Club Cruise Night - 7/20/24
The weather was so much better than last week and, as a result, we had a good number of cars and trucks at our SCMC Cruise Night tonight. We also had a lot of folks stop by to see and enjoy the cruise. Best of all, the winner of the 50/50 donated half of the winnings back to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. We want to thank everyone who came out tonight to support us. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

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Jewett City VFW Annual Summer Car Show - 7/21/24
Today the Jewett City VFW put on their Annual Summer Car Show. We heard about it too late to include in our July 1st Facebook schedule but word got out quickly and a lot of beautiful cars and trucks showed up. Perfect weather and good food made for a great day for all who attended. We’ll keep out eye out next year for this one. And a big shout-out to Lucien for the photos!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 7/22/24
It was cloudy tonight at the 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night but thankfully the rain stayed away. In addition, it was much cooler here tonight as well. Lots of beautiful cars, trucks, and motorcycles came out and we had a good crowd of folks admiring them. The night wrapped up with the Waterford Community Band playing on the boardwalk. We couldn’t ask for a better way to spend a Monday night!

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August 2024

98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 8/5/24
We had a great night tonight at the 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night. It was rather warm but with a forecast of rain for the next few days, folks were eager to get out while the sun was still shining. It’s hard to believe we only have four more cruise nights here this summer. It goes by too fast, that’s for sure!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 8/12/24
We made it through tonight’s 98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night without any rain. But it was coming south as we left and we hit hail and pouring rain as we headed north towards Montville. No matter, we had a great time tonight, lots of folks came out to enjoy the cruise and the Time & Changes Jazz Band was playing on the boardwalk as we left. Only 3 more cruise nights here, the season’s going by too fast for sure.

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Cruise Night at Village Pizza - 8/13/24
Tonight was tough. Perfect weather for a change and three cruise nights tonight that we wanted to support. So we split our night, spending some time at each, and all were great with lots of friends and lots of cool cars. This was our time at Village Pizza with our friends from Dream Machine Classics Auto Club. Unfortunately we had to leave before all the cars got there but the field was about half full when we left. Another great night here as always!

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Montville Farmer's Market Cruise Night - 8/13/24
Tonight was tough. Perfect weather for a change and three cruise nights tonight that we wanted to support. So we split our night, spending some time at each, and all were great with lots of friends and lots of cool cars. This was our time at the Montville Farmer’s Market. We got there about halfway through but some cars were already leaving. Still, it was a great night here with a lot of folks shopping at the market and looking at the cars!

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Hank's Dairy Bar Car Cruise on the Lawn - 8/13/24
Tonight was tough. Perfect weather and three cruise nights tonight that we wanted to support. So we split our night, spending some time at each, and all were great with lots of friends and lots of cool cars. This was our time at Hank’s Dairy Bar which was a rain date from last Tuesday. Still, a good number of cars came out and everyone had an enjoyable evening with live music and Hank’s unbeatable food. And a big thanks to Lucien for the great photos!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge Cruise Night - 8/14/24
It was another nice night weather-wise and we all had a great time at the Bozrah Moose Lodge cruise night tonight. Lots of beautiful cars and trucks, a good crowd and the best chili ever. We couldn’t ask for more!

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Bozrah Farmer's Market Cruise Night - 8/16/24
After last month’s cruise night here was cancelled because of rain, the cars came out in force tonight! There were lots of different vendors and more car and trucks than usual. And thanks to the Canadian wildfire smoke it was even a little cool for August. It’s always a relaxing evening here and we’re already looking forward to next month’s cruise!

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Cruise for a Cause Community Fundraiser - 8/17/24
Cooler weather brought out many cars and trucks to the Cruise for a Cause Community Fundraiser in Salem today. As always, there was a great mix of old and new and some different ones too. Great food, good friends, and a beautiful venue made for a really enjoyable day. Now to get ready for our own SCMC Cruise Night at the Center of Montville. Hope to see everyone there!

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Southeastern Connecticut Mustang Club Cruise Night - 8/17/24
Our second cruise for the day was our own SCMC Cruise Night at the Center of Montville. Luckily, the sky was overcast so it was cooler than expected. We had a good turnout tonight, over 50 cars and trucks came out to join us. The Horsepower Cigar Lounge had Kristin (Lady Pinstriper) from ‘Killustrate it’ doing her thing and some of our friends took advantage of her incredible talent. We want to thank everyone who joined us tonight. We had a great night tonight and hope everyone else did too!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night - 8/19/24
What a strange night. It was beautiful at the beach with filtered sunshine and a nice breeze. There was rain around, both north and west of us, but far from us there. Still, very few ventured out – maybe 20 to 25 cars in total and mostly late-models. We still had a good time, folks still came out to see the cars, but we didn’t do awards tonight as many left early. Only 2 cruise nights left now and remember, there’s NO CRUISE ON LABOR DAY! Hope to see everyone next week though…

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Ledyard Rotary Classic Car Cruise - 8/31/24
It was cloudy and dreary when we met with friends to caravan to the cruise. But it was a pleasant surprise as it quickly turned sunny and bright. That brought the cars and trucks out and they just kept coming all morning! About 250 beautiful vehicles on the field, hundreds of spectators, lots of raffles prizes, loads of vendors and a variety of food made it an extra special day. This event gets bigger every year and the Rotary Club volunteers do a wonderful job keeping everything organized. We sure had a great time today and we think everyone else did too!

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September 2024

Hank's Dairy Bar Car Cruise on the Lawn - 9/3/24

As always, we had a great time at Hank’s Dairy Bar tonight. With absolutely perfect weather, a lot of cars and trucks came out and it was nice to spend time with friends as the season slowly winds down. Live music by ‘Socks with Sandals’ (a father/son band) kept us entertained while Hank’s great menu filled us up. We couldn’t ask for a better night out!

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7th Annual Charles Toyota Timeless Car Show - 9/8/24

Remember last year when it rained here and we asked for a dry, sunny day next year? Well we sure got one today, it was perfect! And well over 100 cars and trucks came out to the 7th Annual Timeless Car Show at Charles Toyota in Norwich. Music by The Pom, good food, raffle prizes and more made it a great day. And a big thanks to everyone at Charles Toyota who helped make it a success!

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98.7 WNLC Ocean Beach Cruise Night 9/9/24

Tonight was bittersweet – it was the last cruise night here of the season. But the weather was perfect, lots of cars, trucks, and motorcycles came out and, as usual, the beach put on a buffet dinner for the attendees to thank them for their support all summer. Jeff stated that this was the 25th year for the cruise nights here and invited everyone to ride on the merry-go-round. We had a blast. Check out the videos at the end and you’d think we were all kids again! A big thanks to Dave, Maureen and Jeff for all they do to make these cruise nights enjoyable for everyone. We hope to see you all here again next summer!

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Cruise Night at Village Pizza - 9/10/24

Well, we’re finally getting the weather we deserved all summer but never got - clear, crisp and beautiful. And folks took advantage with well over 100 cars and trucks on the field tonight. As always, we had great music and good pizza with a big 50/50 raffle thrown in for good measure. Just another great night here with our friends from Dream Machine Classics!

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Bozrah Moose Lodge Cruise Night - 9/11/24

It was another beautiful fall day and we all had a great time at the Bozrah Moose Lodge cruise night tonight. Lots of beautiful cars and trucks, a good crowd and the best chili ever. Last one here for this season; hope to be back next year for sure!

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B&D Autobody 40th Anniversary Car Show - 9/14/24

With perfect weather, close to 100 cars and trucks came out to the first-ever B&D Autobody Car Show today. Celebrating 40 years in business, B&D put on a fantastic event with live music, great food and ice cream. We want to give a big thanks to Bob and all the folks from B&D who made this a great day for everyone who attended.

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Bozrah Farmer's Market Cruise Night - 9/20/24

We’re sad to know that this is the last cruise night of the season here. The weather could have been better but it didn’t rain so that was a plus. Quite a few cars and trucks came out and we think everyone had a good time. Now we’ll just look forward to coming back here next year!

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Town of Groton Police MADD Car Show - 9/28/24

As always we had a great time at the Town of Groton Police MADD Car Show today. It was cloudy but cool and best of all, no rain. Lots of folks came out to see the show and we had good food from K’s Cart. Great to see Shelly from WCTY 97.7 too. Now to get ready for our own SCMC Cruise Night. We told you it was going to be a busy weekend!

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Southeastern Connecticut Mustang Club Cruise Night - 9/29/24

New England! We know these things happen but it’s still disappointing when they do, especially when the forecasts didn’t predict it. We had just gotten underway with tonight’s cruise night when the rain started coming down, causing us to cancel the cruise. Since we had already sold raffle tickets we offered refunds which nobody took. For that we are very grateful and thanks to your generosity, we still ended up with $75 for Connecticut Children’s on a cancelled cruise night. We would have rather spent the evening with you, admiring and talking about the cars but it is what it is. Not the best way to end our season but there’s always next year. Let’s hope it’s better than tonight was.

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Sprague Rod & Gun Club Cruise - 09/29/24

We had choices today and many went to Larry’s Auto Machine Family Fun Cruise in Groton while others went to the Sprague Rod & Gun Club Cruise and Barbeque. But Larry’s doesn’t have the best cheesesteak sandwiches with the works so this writer went to Sprague. As always, everything was great. We did have some drizzle near the end (what else is new lately?) and they wrapped up the raffles and the cruise a little early. So congratulations to the Sprague Rod & Gun Club on their 100th anniversary year and we’ll be dreaming of their cheesesteak sandwiches all winter!

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October 2024

Hank's Dairy Bar Car Cruise on the Lawn - 10/1/24

It was a beautiful night for the Car Cruise on the Lawn at Hank’s Dairy Bar tonight. About 60+ cars and trucks came out to enjoy the last cruise of the season here along with Hank’s great food and drink. A big thanks to everyone at Hank’s for holding these monthly cruise nights and we’re already looking forward to coming back next Spring!

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Cruise Afternoon at Village Pizza - 10/6/24

As the season winds down, there’s no better way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon than with the Dream Machine Classics Auto Club at Village Pizza. Great weather, great cars and trucks, great music, great pizza, and great friends – isn’t that what it’s all about? We think so!

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Herb's 11th Annual Fall Bash Car Show - 10/13/24

Thankfully the rain held off for the 11th Annual Fall Bash Car Show at Herb’s today. In fact, the sun even came out for a little while and so did about 200 cars and trucks! This show gets bigger and the food gets better every year while tons of great raffle prizes and a huge 50/50 were icing on the cake. We think everyone had a great time and we want to give a big thanks to Jeff and all the volunteers who worked hard all day so we could enjoy the show.

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Eastern CT Veterans Community Center Car Show - 10/26/24
We met up with friends from Dream Machine Classics and caravanned to the Eastern Connecticut Veterans Community Center benefit car show in Willimantic today. It was very windy but iconic in front of the Shaboo Stage with The Pom spinning the tunes. Sadly, a rather small turnout today but still many unusual cars and trucks were on the field. We had a good time showing off our rides and it was a very relaxing way to essentially end the season.

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